Toyota Repair: 2007 Corolla coolant type, toyota coolant, aluminum block

Hi Ted,
Sorry for a kind of repeat question, but in looking over previous coolant questions I got confused.  First, the existing coolant in my 2007 Corolla is original and it looks red not pink to me.  Is that the "long life" or "super long life" coolant?  Second, whichever it is, what can I replace it with other than Toyota coolant?  Many thanks.

It is supposed to have the super long life coolant, there are a few compatible coolants but I would stay with the SLL from toyota as it doesn't need to be changed until about 90,000 miles, you can use long life if you want to change it at 60K or regular at about 30K, the SSLC has corrosion inhibitors to protect aluminum block, heads and water pump, I always like to comply with factory recommendations. Keep in mind that toyota's sll coolant is premixed and you do not add water.