Toyota Repair: irregular throttle corolla 2011 s, necessary drive, steady speed
Questionhard to keep a steady speed when you let off the petal just a little , drops 200 to 400 rpm acts like you let completely off the gas,cruise is worthless on level ground , will keep changing 1.8? .called the dealer said they had not heard of any problem,,Thanks roger
AnswerMost of the newer transmission tend to shift a little more than most people are used to so this may very well be a normal condition but just because the dealer has never heard of a problem doesn't rule out that you may have a problem with this car. I would make an appointment with the dealer and ask for a qualified technician or shop foreman to test drive the car with you and if necessary drive another identical corolla from their inventory to compare driveability.Somehow the should address your concern instead of just trying to blow you off.