Toyota Repair: RAV Tranny Screen at 180k and ECM Replace, model toyotas, lifetime filter

I have done a fair amount of reading about the necessity of tranny screen replacement for the recent model Toyotas, and get the idea that if the fluid looks good, don't worry about the screen.

MAYBE cleaning the pan/magnets is a good idea, but the screen should be OK.

MY QUESTION: Our RAV (180k miles) had the ECM TSB replacement, where the tranny shifted rough for a short amount of time. Should this change my approach --- in other words should I change the filter after the ECM replacement, thinking the rough shift condition might have wreeked some havoc?

Toyota does not recommend replacing the oil screen, it's a lifetime "filter" unless by visual inspection it is clogged with material there is no service needed for the filter screen, just change the fluid with the correct type about every 30,000 miles unless stated otherwise in the owner's manual.