Toyota Repair: 1997 4Runner AC, 10mm nuts, nuts and bolts

Ted:  I have a 1997 4Runner with lots of miles on it but mechanically, it is rock solid....except for the AC.  About a year ago, it started to go out intermittently (turn it on and after about 5 minutes the air would no longer be cool) and when I took it in to the shop, they tried to add coolant but the "system" would shut down.  They suspected the expansion valve and dryer to be replaced and quoted me $1200.  I priced the parts out, purchased them for $43 and decided I would do it myself.  The dryer replacement was easy (granted I vented the coolant into the environment) and was able to replace it in about 30 minutes.  However, I am overwhelmed with trying to get to the expansion valve and need advice to get to it.  Also, once I replace it, can I charge the system with a store bought kit or do I need to have it done professionally.  I felt the price was too high to have the work done not to mention that I am in between jobs and really cannot afford to invest it.  I would be tremendously appreciative of your feedback and thank you in advance for your thoughts.

Toyota Repair: 1997 4Runner AC, 10mm nuts, nuts and bolts
The expansion valve is located inside the evaporator housing underneath the glove box,remove the glove, the heater blower housing is removed first the remove all the 10mm nuts and bolts that connect the evaporator housing to the ducting and the body, the a/c lines should have been removed already, when all the fasteners are off the housing can be pulled out into the pass compartment and then taken apart to get to the expansion valve.