QuestionQUESTION: My car has stumped about 1/2 a dozen mechanics so far. Loses power under acceleration, wont go over 40 - 60 kph and you have to keep foot very light on pedal to build up to it. Hard acceleration causes more loss of power and spluttering - occassionally complete shut off. Had fuel line checked, distributor checked, exhaust system checked, injectors cleaned, new fuel filter, new fuel pump, new o2 sesor, new coil,pressure test of fuel line fine, diagnostics noted nothing,timing good, etc ... I may even be forgetting 1-2 things it has had done to it. All for naught! It progressed to it's current state over about 3 months with no mechanic in that time doing anything of any improvement. I am at my wits end. I cant afford another car right now, and I am about at the line where I cant keep throwing money at this one for no results. If you could give me any ideas at all with a direction to go on this I would be so appreciavtive it is just not funny. Thanks Nat.
ANSWER: Is it a 4 cylinder or V-6 engine, was the timing belt replaced recntly, up to three months ago?
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QUESTION: Hi Ted. It is a 4 cyl 2.2 lt. The timing belt was not replaced, but the timing was checked. I asked about it specifically and was told there were no timing problems. I also forgot from first post that the throttle control was also replaced. Thanks Nat
ANSWER: Possibly a clogged catalityc converter, on this engine the converter is bolted to the bottom of the exhaust manifold, you may want to remove the converter and inspect it to see if it's disintegrating and if necessary replace it.
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QUESTION: Will also add, I just went out and tapped on the catalytic convertor thinking I may hear something rattle in it if the innards have broken down. Cant say I did really, but I must have dislodged some obvious blockage coz I just took it for a drive and it was zippy, smooth, accelerating to 80km easily and quickly, ... and had more in it too but I was not in a 100km speed zone to test it that far.
I am confident you have nailed the problem and am going ahead with ordering a new c.c. Will let you know sometime next week when I have it replaced how it goes.
Thank you SO SO SO SO SO SO Much!
AnswerThank you for th info, please keep in mind that there are two catalityc converters, the one in the front under the exhaust manifold and the one further down in the pipe, if the front converter disintegrates it can clog the rear one so it's best to replace them both.