QuestionQUESTION: Hi Ted, my brake lights won't work. I replaced the bulbs but that didn't work either. I haven't checked my fuses. I don't know where and which fuse to look for. Any advice appreciated, thanks.
ANSWER: The fuse for the brake lights is inside usually at the left lower dash, the cover has the fuse designations printed on it, look for the fuse marked STOP.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I found it thanks. I looked at the fuse and it appears ok. All the rear lamps light up. Signals ok, backup ok, night lights, (headlights and tail lights), all work. I just don't get brake lights when I push the brake pedal. Am I in the Twilight Zone?
ANSWER: I'm going to need a year and model in order to help with this. Do you have a 12volt testlight or a voltmeter?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Ted thanks for your on going help on this. I have a 1986 Toyota pick up. It's just the standard p/u, no special features except for power steering. Five speed manual. I might have a 12 volt test light laying around some where. My brother in law might have a voltmeter.
I recently had an ignitor installed after the truck stalled on the road. And a major tune up. Both within the last month or so. The truck is running fine now except for the brake light problem.
AnswerSee if you can get the testlight and then check for voltage to both sides of the fuse. If that's the case the stop light switch may be the problem, it's located up under the dash on a bracket, the switch plunger makes contact with a bracket on the pedal arm. With the pedal depressed there should be votage on both wires.