Toyota Repair: SETTING IGNITION DISTRIBUTOR, hydraulic valve lifters, drive spindle
QuestionMy query is with regard to setting correctly the ignition distributor back into the block of my 1985 Toyota 2000 cc 3Y engine (with hydraulic valve lifters). I do not have a repair manual and I want to be sure that it fires the right cylinder at the right time. The distributor drive spindle looks like it can fit right into the block irrespective of it pointing to cylinder no: 1 or no:4. I have to swing the distributor the the extreme right to get the engine to run. The engine fires and idle well but runs hesitantly upon revving up, sometimes spitting. Can you please let me know the right way to set the distributor?
AnswerIt sounds like it's about one tooth off, remove the cap and mark where the rotor is pointing, pull the distributor out and rotate the rotor to the left about 1/4 inch of where the mark is, when the distirbutor is back in the rotor should be about 1/2" to the left of the original mark, after that use a timing light to get the timing to about 8 degrees BTDC.