Toyota Repair: 1989 toyota pickup, 22re, fuel filter change, banjo fittings, trans man

QUESTION: hello Mr. Ritter
please provide step by step instructions on how you would access and then change the fuel filter on a '89 Toyota pickup, 22re, 4wd, manual trans.
man it seems to be hidden under the manifold.

ANSWER: The best way to go about this is to remove the starter so there is more room to work with, remove the 17mm inlet and outlet banjo fittings, there are altogether three bolts that attach the fuel filter, two on the filter housing bracket and one brace coming off the bracket attached to one of the intake manifold bolts. You'll need a 13mm swivel socket and a long extension to get to these.   

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for the first answer, now regarding the starter...I assume removal is done from underneath?... best aproach? any special tools required?

The starter has one 14mm nut at the top on the intake manifold side of the engine which can be reached from the top and one bolt on the bottom facing the front, you'll need an extension and socket to get to this one, don't forget to disconnect the battery before doing anyhting.