Toyota Repair: Cam shaft timing mark, crank pulley, crank shaft
QuestionI am installing a new timing belt on my 1999 Toyota Camry 4 cylinder motor, auto transmission, and I want to be certain that with the crank shaft being at TDC on the compression in #1 position that the camshaft is also in the TDC position before I close up the timing covers, so my question are there and where are the timing marks and position on the cam shaft gear and cover or housing that I verify proper timing when the crank shaft is at TDC? Thank you and hope that is sufficient info to answer my question. Please note that I am from Canada, answer my be different for Camry's built in the U.S.A
AnswerThe engines are exactly the same. With the timing belt off temporarely install the lower plastic cover, put the crank pulley on and line up the pulley notch with the zero mark on the cover, the engine is now at TDC. The cam gear has a small hole in it, rotate the cam until the hole is at the top and lines up with the notch/dimple at the top of the front cam bearing upper housing. Remove the cover and make a reference mark on the crankshaft sprocket and the bolock, install the belt making sure that all the slack is on the tensioner side, release the tensioner to take up the slack, recheck the marks and rotate the engine a few times and recheck the belt tension and the marks.