Toyota Repair: 91 4runner died suddenly, backyard mechanic, toyota parts

Hi Ted,
In the past my 91 4runner with 174,000 would hiccup suddenly, just a fraction of a second, then run fine. It might do that once every couple of months or a couple times a week. I am not sure if this is connected to the current situation.
I was driving down the highway and the engine died with out warning while the lights and radio stayed on. It didn't feel like running out of fuel. I had a backyard mechanic take a look and he suggested maybe the igniter.
I went to the junkyard and picked one up and realized when I got home that the numbers are different. If the igniter is the problem, I wonder if these 2 are compatible. The one on the vehicle has 2 tags 1 says 'coil w/igniter 19070-35230' with a large PU next to it. The other tag on the same unit says 'igniter 89621-30010' with a large 125. The one from the junkyard has 1 tag 'igniter 89621-12010 with a large 123. Parts guy swears they are interchangeable, is this true?
Now I don't know what to believe. I tried the junkyard one with no success, but not sure if it's the right one anyway.

Any insight will be greatly appreciated!


What parts guy told you they are interchangeable? The guy at the junkyard? If so then you should call the toyota parts dept and give them your VIN# to get the correct part number, as far as I can remember the part numbers must be the same unless there is a new number superceeding the old one.