QuestionI just replaced the timing belt (and water pump) on my 2001 Toyota Sienna. I have it all back together but I can't get it to start. I have spark and fuel but it won't start. So I suspect that I haven't got the timing set correctly.
The only indicators I could find in my Haynes book and online have a vague indicator where the timing marks are on the timing belt housing. There are small holes on the timing cam pulleys that must be what I line up with the marks on the housing. The mark on the front cam shaft is clearly visible, the one on the back is not. The only thing I could see on the housing over the back pulley is a white painted dot right under the tab that sticks up that hold a wiring harness clip of wires. I can see no other indicators above that back pulley.
The way I set the timing is in the steps below.
1. With the belt tensioner off, I rotated the crankshaft pulley until the notch in the pulley lined up with the 0 on the lower timing belt cover (it has 10, 5, 0, and maybe a number higher than 10), then installed the belt on the crankshaft pulley and left it loose at the top near the cam pulleys.
2. I rotated the cam pulleys until they lined up with the notches or indicators that I could see. When I installed the timing belt and tensioner the first time I could see the front cam pulley had moved backward about one cog because of the movement from the tensioner, so I had to pull it off and adjust for that then reinstall.
I was pretty sure I had all the indicators lined up correctly. But it must not be because I can't get it to start.
Can you tell me what I should do to make sure the timing is correct? And can you tell me what to look for on the cover above the rear cam pulley to line up the pulley with?
Thanks a bunch for whatever help you can provide.
AnswerThanks for the details. You are pretty close to solving your problem.
The belt has white stripes with the words Crank and Cam written by them. Line up the crank and cam with these stripes; the painted white dot on the rear cam IS your mark. The mark on your crank is the one that needs to line up with the mark on belt for the crank.
Remember that the camshafts turn two times for every one time that the crankshaft turns, so you could be 180 degrees out. You should use #1 cylinder to determine camshaft/crankshaft timing so your valves are not opening at the wrong time (which would be bad).
Hope this helps,