Toyota Repair: Camry smoking at start-up, valve stem seals, valve seals
QuestionHello Ted,
I have a 1997 Camry LE, 4 cyl., with about 94,000 miles on it. I bought it new, and have changed the oil religiously every 3000 to 4000 miles, and have kept it well maintained. The problem I'm having lately is that when I first start it up of a morning it produces a blue puff of smoke. It seems as if it started doing this all of a sudden, so I'm wondering if the problem could be mechanical, like perhaps the valves or rings, or could it be the oil I'm using, which is Pennzoil 5w/30. I've been told the color of smoke can tell you the most likely cause, so what does blue smoke tell you? And is there anything I can do, like use some kind of motor honey, or any other product to remedy this problem? Or is a valve job needed?
AnswerThe blue smoke on startup is an indication of leaking valve stem seals, it's pretty common on these engines at about this mileage, the good news is that this can be done without removing the cylinder head, it will run about $1,000-$1,100 at the dealer, to do a complete valve job would cost you around $1,900. Knowing the reliability of these engines I would just do the valve seals at this time. I can't recommend any particular additive but you can try one and see if it helps there are plenty of them at the autoparts stores.