Toyota Repair: 1994 v6 XLE Camry, jumper wire, starter fluid
QuestionMy car will start and run fine for 8 to 10 min then die. I can sometimes start it back up right away but it will only run for a min or so. I have replaced the fuel filter and still have the same problem. A friend of mine had taken the air box off and after it died sprayed starter fluid into it. The car would start for a sec or so. I hope you can help me. Thank you
AnswerSince it starts when spraying starter fluid it i seems that it has a fuel delivery problem, possibly a fuel pump going out. The fuel pump can be tested by activating it in the diagnostic check connector under the hood, it loos like a small gray box, the terminals are inside and are marked inside the cover, placing a jumper wire between the terminalls B+ and fP will make the fuel pump run, bypassing all relays. If the engine still doesn't run with the wire in place the fuel pump is the problem, if it runs then it's a relay or wiring problem. Let me know what you find.