Toyota Repair: Camry 94 Auto 2.2 Motor Mounts, toyota camry, nut bolt
QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
I need to change the front and rear Motor mounts on my 1994 Toyota Camry.The Front one does not look to difficult I think. Could you please advise me on how best to remove the rear mount,preferably without removing the Manifold. Would taking out the EFI give me access to the Top nut/bolt? which seems in an awkard spot. Thanks for your assistance.
ANSWER: It can be done without removing the manifold but the subframe has to be lowered about three inches. I have never tried it by removing the intake system.
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QUESTION: "the subframe has to be lowered about three inches" Could you kindly clarify this..Do you mean that I have to raise the motor(engine) by 3 inches. Is this mainly to take the load of the mount ? I can probably access the nut with an extension and a 17mm socket.
AnswerThe engine can be supported and the subframe lowered by also supporting it with jacks, the subframe is the square shaped large metal support that has the engine mounts attached, the problem is that there is not a lot of room to get the mount out, you may be able to do it by just replacing the insulator part without the bracket on it.