Toyota Repair: Thermostat change, haynes manuals, thermostat

My tempreture gauge on my dash slowly rises to hot and cools off when i shut the car off but it doesn't smell like it is over heating. Does that mean the my thermostat is sticking shut? I need to know the best way to change it out or where i could find a schematic so i can make sure i am doing it correctly, i am mechanichly able to i jsut would like something to see so i know i am doing it correctly.

HAYNES manuals are what I use to locate many of the items on vehicles I own.  Your thermostat will be underneath the neck of the hose leading from the engine to the TOP of the radiator.
The thermostat can be installed incorrectly, so make sure you follow the instructions to ensure it's installed properly.
Make sure you replace the gasket also.