Toyota Repair: 1994 toyota corolla dx 1.8L transmission differintial, toyota corolla dx, axle bearings
Questionhello i have a noise that sounds like the tire is wobbling when i hit about 10-15 mph and so on and i took it to a mechanic and they told me it was the tranny differential im not too sure about them so needed another opinion so im asking you could this noise be coming from that or from just the bearing going out this noise is not steady it is like whooo whooo whooo whooo so i really need to know what this is thank you in advance
for knowledge i do have brand new tire on the car
AnswerIt could be an axlwe bearing, it's hard for me to say because I can't hear the noise, it's more likely to be axle bearings than the differential, it's easy to confuse the two, I think you should get another opinion either at the toyota dealer or another repair shop, a good technician can tell the difference between the two noises.