Toyota Repair: Toyota smoke, toyota pickup truck, catalytic convertor
QuestionI have a 82 Toyota Pickup Truck. 22R engine. Every time I accelerate, it blows lots of black and white smoke out of the tail pipe. It also burns a lot of engine oil. However, water does not leak, so it can't be the head gasket(recently replaced). What can it be???
AnswerMore than likely you have worn piston rings. The engine oil is getting past the compression rings and entering the combustion chamber. It is then being burned off when the spark plug fires.
You probably are fouling your spark plugs, plugging your catalytic convertor, pressurizing your crankshaft and blowing oil through your PCV valve. Sounds like you an engine rebuild.
If it only blowing smoke during shifts, then the problem is your valve seals.
Hope this helps.