Toyota Repair: Reset ABS light, jumper wire, wheel seal

Hi Mr. Ritter,

I have a 2004 Tacoma 2wd, 5 speed, x-cab with 85K. The ABS light came on a couple weeks ago so I went digging, I found a leaking rear wheel seal that had to be replaced. My assumption, (since I found nothing else leaking or broken), that the leak had masked the magnet from the pluses. I cleaned/wiped the oil from the magnet area and installed the new seal and shoes. My assumption was if I disconnected the battery that the ABS light would reset. Naa to simple. So I guess the computer now stores the info.

I used to have all the answers back in the 70's but they changed all the questions. I don't have a code scanner so is this something that I can reset another way or will it have to go in for,(gulp) service.

Thanks, Dave Willette

In case of not using hand−held tester:
Clear the DTC.
(1) Using SST, connect terminals Tc and CG of DLC3.
SST 09843−18040
(2) Turn the ignition switch ON.
(3) Clear the DTC stored in ECU by depressing the
brake pedal 8 or more times within 5 seconds.
(4) Check that the warning light shows the normal
(5) Remove the SST from the terminals of DLC3.
SST 09843−18040
DLC 3 is the diagnostic check connector below the dash by the steering wheel, put a jumper wire between the terminals Tc and CG and follow the instructions
The connector is wider on one side than the other, on the wide end count from the left 4 spaces, this is CG,on the narrow end count 5 spaces from the left, this is TC. This is looking at it with the wide part at the top, sometimes they put them upside down so it can be confusing, draw a diagram with 8 spaces top and bottom, this will help, if the wire is on the right terminals a bunch of lights will start flashing with the key on, you can also get the ABS trouble codes this way.