Toyota Repair: hub removal, wheel bearings, brake caliper
QuestionI'm needing information on removing and packing wheel bearings on 91 Toyota p/u. 4 wheel drive
Answer Remove the brake caliper and move it aside, don't undo the hydraulic line, remove all of the 10mm bolts on the center hub then remove all the 12mm nuts, the cones can be removed by tapping around the outside edge with a small hammer, pull the snap ring off on the axle then pull the hub off, undo the lock plates on the large wheel bearing nuts , you will need a special socket(available at most autoparts stores) to remove the two nuts, the rotor with the hub can then be pulled off. When reassembling, turn the inner wheel bearing nut until it feels snug, not loose, there has to be a little preload on the bearing, then install the lock plate back on and then the outer lock nut.