Toyota Repair: 2008 Camry 30k Service, drive shaft boots, fuel tank cap

My 2008 Camry 4Cyl is up for 30k service. Called up the dealer, and they quoted me $522 for the service. I couldn't believe it would cost that much.

The scheduled maintenance guide lists the below for 30K. Out of these only the top require actual work and  parts. Rest sound like  visual inspection. I am thinking about calling up couple of other dealers and get quotes. Thought would ask the experts here and see what is recommended service for 30k miles.

Thanks for the help!

Replace cabin air filter
Replace engine air filter
Replace engine oil and oil filter 1
Rotate tires
Inspect the following:
    Ball joints and dust covers    
    Brake lines and hoses    
    Brake linings/drums and brake pads/discs 4    
    Drive shaft boots    
    Engine coolant 3    
    Exhaust pipes and mountings    
    Front differential oil    
    Fuel lines and connections, fuel tank band and fuel tank vapor vent system hoses    
    Fuel tank cap gasket    
    Radiator and condenser    
    Steering gear box    
    Steering linkage and boots    
    Transmission fluid or oil

Most dealers have 30k specials going on all the time for about 1/2 the cost, you have a low mileage 2008 car, in my opinion $500 is way out of line so opt out of the that, the first four items on your list should be done,  in addition the brakes should be checked and adjusted as needed, that's about it, most technicians usually look under the car when changing the oil for other problems anyway. The transmission uses WS type fluid which doesn't require changing until about 100,000 miles. I understand that the dealer has to list all of those inspections to cover themselves but that price is not normal for what they listed. Call some other dealers and see if they are doing it for about $240. I don't know what area you're in but here in southern ca this business is very competitive and we do this service for about $240,$300 if it needs the cabin air filter.Some dealer even charge no labor for the cabin air filter or you can buy one and do it yourself, it's real easy, it's behind the glove box. Please keep in mind that I still work at a toyota dealer so keep me anonymous in any references to the dealer. I know ny name will appear on any printouts so please so please remove that information.