Toyota Repair: Ignition?, toyota celica, auto store
QuestionI just bought an 88 Toyota Celica convertible off of craigslist. I knew it had problems with the windows when I bought it, but everything else seemed fine. The windows rolled down but wouldn't role back up. Later the convertible top stopped working and now the car will not start. A friend of mine has shown me how to start it under the hood (sorry, I don't know cars, or the names for things well, I'm trying). Also the break light/ reverse lights don't work. I just replaced all of the bulbs and all of the other lights seem to be working fine. I called the auto store and they said it could be the ignition because it all links to that. I just changed that today and still nothing. What else could it possibly be. It does seem as though all of these things are linked together and coming from one problem. It seems like something electrical slowly went out.
AnswerElectrical problems are difficult to diagnose here but I'll give it a try but I'm going to ask some questions so bear with me and please try to answer them the best you can:
When you went to get the car did it start with the key and did you drive it home?
Do the headlights turn on now?
What happens when you get in and turn the key ON, not to "START" do the lights on the dash turn on?
Do you have a testlight if not can you get one and do you know how to use it?
What did your friend do to start it from under the hood?
thank you, please answer each question, take your time I'm very patient ;)