Toyota Repair: electrical, fuse box, positive cable
QuestionThe battery on my 98 Toyota 4 Runner is being drained when everything is off. When I remove the positive post and touch it back, it sparks. I have removed all the fuses except the three c-type ones, and it still sparks when touched to the post. I have made sure that there are no lights on etc. I recently had a command start installed, and thought that it might be the problem, but I have disconnected all the terminals to the box and removed all the fuses to it, and I still get a spark when I touch the positive cable to the battery post. I removed the cable that goes from the fuse box under the hood and I then get no spark when I touch the positive cable to the post. I am assuming that since I can't remove the C fuses by myself, the problem is with one of them.
Can you help?
AnswerYou mention C fuses, can you give me the name for each one, their designation is printed on the inside of the cover.Do you have an volt/ammeter that can be connected in series with the negative battery post and the terminal nto find out exactly how much current is being drawn?