Toyota Repair: toyota 1989 pickup clutch, clutch master cylinder, clutch replacement
QuestionMy clutch is slipping. I just had it replaced last year. It will be awhile before I can afford to replace it again. Assuming it's dangerous to drive a slipping clutch, how long before it completely slips? No one ever told me that "the clutch is not a footrest" so my friend said it's probably burned out because I drive with my foot on it sometimes. He said having it on the pedal at all will make it burn out. I am upset and need transportation to work! Please help
AnswerI'm afraid I can't be much help, it is what it is, the clutch is slipping, there is some adjustment to loosen the pressure on the clutch while released, under the dash you will see a metal rod coming out of the clutch master cylinder connecting to the clutch pedal, there is a lock nut on the threaded shaft, loosen the lock nut then turn the rod until there is some freeplay in the pedal, about 1/4" this may prolong clutch replacement for a little while.