QuestionI have a 2002 Toyota Tacoma Ext Cab TRD with a CEL code P1135 air/fuel ratio sensor heater malfunction. I have bought 2 sensors (one universal and one from dealership) with no luck. CEL comes on after reseting. Had both sensors checked and both test fine. Ran Data Stream on OBDII with Cel off and had these results:
Misfire Monitor Supported
Fuel Systems Monitor Supported
Comprehensive Monitor Yes
Misfire Monitor Complete/N-A
Fuel Systems Monitor Complete/N-A
Comprehensive Monitor Complete/N-A
Catalyst Monitor Supported
Heated Catalyst Monitor Not Supported
Evap Systems Monitor Supported
2nd Air System Not Supported
A/C Monitor Not Supported
Oxygen Sensor Monitor Supported
Oxygen Sensor Heat Supported
EGR System Monitor Not Supported
Catalyst Monitor Not Complete
Heated Catalyst Monitor Complete/N-A
Evap Sys Monitor Not Complete
2nd Air Sys Completed
A/C Refrigerant Monitor Complete/N-A
Oxygen Sensor Monitor Not Complete
Oxygen Sensor heat Monitor Not Complete
EGR System Monitor Complete/N-A
Fuel System1 Status ClosedLoop
Fuel System2 Status -----
Cal Load Value 14.9%
Engine Coolant Temp 90 degrees C
Short Term Fuel Trim B1 3%
Short Term Fuel Trim B2 7%
Long Term Fuel Trim B1 0%
Long Term Fuel Trim B3 8%
Engine Speed 835 RPM
Vehicle Speed 0 MPH
Ignition TIming Advance(CLY1) 15 degrees
Intake Air Temp 11 Degrees C
Mass Air Flow Sensor 3g/s
Absolute Throttle Position 9%
Location of Oxygen Sensor B1S1
Oxygen Sensor Voltage B1S2 .7 volts
Short Term Fuel Trim B1S2 99%
With CEL on had these results:
Misfire Monitoring-----Support
Fuel System Monitoring-----Support
Comprehensive Monitoring-----Yes
Misfire Monitoring-----Complete/NA
Fuel System Monitoring-----Complete/NA
Catalyst Monitoring-----Support
Heated Catalyst Mon.-----Not Support
Evaporative Sys Mon-----Support
2nd Air Sys Mon-----Not Support
A/C Refrigerant Mon-----Not Support
Oxygen Sensor Mon-----Support
O2 Sensor Heater Mon-----Support
EGR System Monitoring-----Not Support
Catalyst Monitoring-----Not Complete
Heated Catalyst Mon-----Complete/NA
Evaporative Sys Mon-----Not Complete
2nd Air Sys Mon-----Complete/NA
A/C Refrigerant Mon-----Complete/NA
Oxygen Sensor Mon-----Not Complete
O2 Sensor Heater Mon-----Not Complete
EGR System Mon-----Complete/NA
Fuel Sys1 Status OpenLoop Fault
Fuel Sys2 Status -----
Calculated Load Value-----016%
Engine Coolant Temp----085 degree C
Short Term Fuel Trim Bank 1-----000%
Short Term Fuel Trim Bank 3-----007%
Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 1-----000%
Long Term Fuel Trim Bank 3-----008%
Engine Speed-----00703 Rpm
Vehicle Speed Sensor-----0 Km/H
Igni. Timing Advance (Cly1)-----14 degrees
Intake Air Temp-----020 degrees C
Mass Air Flow Sensor-----003 g/s
Absolute Throttle Position-----009%
Location of O2 Sensors-----Bank 1 S. 1
Oxygen Sensor Voltage (B1S2)-----0.0V
Short Term Fuel Trim (B1S2)-----099%
If you need anything else I will do my best to give it to you. Thanks in advance for all your help.
AnswerUsually replacing the A/F sensor with a factory OEM part fixes this trouble code but you already tried that, you replaced the sensor in front of the cat is that correct? The problem is with the heater circuit, if the sensor is known to be good then it's either a wiring problem or the ECM,to check for this the ECm needs to be accessed to read the voltage at the terminal HTAF1+ to body ground to see if the ecm is sending a voltage of 9-14volts to the a/f sesnor, if so then the ECM is the faulty part, if the voltage is correct then the problem is between the ecm and the sensor, if you need a diagram identifying the computer terminals let me know, I will need an email address to mail it to.