Toyota Repair: Dogbone Mount, drivetrain components, camrys
QuestionI was told when I took my 2002 Camry LE in for inspection at the dealership that my dogbone %26 front motor mounts were cracked. If I don't get it repaired for a few weeks will it hurt my car? They said it would not unless I wait a long time, what is a long time? And does $515.00 sound like a fair price for it?
AnswerYes it is a common problem on the camrys, the mounts are not cheap and the labor usually runs about $150 so that price seems about right. Other than the uncomfortable jolt/clunk the engine is not damaged in any way but it should be taken care of soon because if it gets a lot worse it can put a little extra stress on drivetrain components, how long can you wait depends on how bad it is now, if not too bad you can probably let it go for another 5000 miles or so.