Toyota Repair: 2006 corolla serpentine belt, corolla sport, how to replace serpentine belt
QuestionHow to replace serpentine belt on 2006 corolla sport, 1.8 liter engine.
AnswerThere is a belt tensioner that has to be released, it is spring loaded, use a breaker bar and a 19mm socket to put on the protrusion of the tensioner and the pull towards the front of the car, this will release the tension and the belt can be pulled off, draw a diagram of how the belt goes arouns all the pulleys before removing, to get the new belt on again release the tensioner with the belt around all the pulleys except the tensioner, pull to compress the tensioner and get the belt around the idler pulley, it helps to have someone do this while you depress the tensioner, it also helps to remove the inner cover of the fender.