Toyota Repair: 1993 Toyota 4x4 starting Issue, auto salvage yards, toyota 4x4
QuestionI am restoring a 93 xcab with a 4cyl engine, truck has been not been licensed for four years and I am having a problem to get it to start,once it starts it runs the best kind but if you shut it down for any amount of time you have to crank and crank and after awhile it will start again it is like the injectors are not powering up. If I leave the key on for a minute or so it will give a kick as if it wants to start. Can you shed any light on this ? We have fresh plugs,dist cap & rotor button,fuel filter and gas. Look forward to hearing from you and have a Merry Christmas.
AnswerPossibly a problem with the distributor, which is common, the other problem areas are the coil/igniter, there is no reliable way to test the igniter other than substitution, these parts are widely available used from auto salvage yards and not expensive.