Toyota Repair: windshield washer fluid hoeses, windshield washer fluid, roan mtn

My washer fluid is leaking out and when I try and use the washer it leaks out on the side under the car i cant locate the hoses to see if one has come loose, Can you tell me where to locate the hoses. The car is a 2005 Toyota Camry LE. I called a dealer and the service tech said that it sounded like a hose was off but i can't afford to take it in to the dealer if it is something my boyfriend can do. Thank you so much for your help. Marsha Garst Roan Mtn Tn

The washer hose comes off the pump located in the wahser tank under the right side fender, the inner fender liner should be removed for inspection,the hose runs along the inside of the fender and exits just below the hood on the right side where it connects to the nozzles, it's common for rodents to chew on the hoses and create leaks.