Toyota Repair: replace ignition lock and/or key tumbler, door locks, lock cylinder
QuestionI tried to start my 2001 Toyota 4-runner this afternoon and the key would only turn to ACC and I couldn't get it to turn any further. I had noticed it "sticking" slightly over the last 6 months or so, but didn't realize there was a problem. The toyota dealership suggested trying graphite, which didn't solve the problem. I found others online talking about replacing the ignition lock and/or the tumbler and talk of a tumbler release button. The dealership indicated it would cost quite a bit and even more if I wanted my ignition keyed the same as my door locks. It appeared from hearing from others with the same problem I may be able to replace the tumbler, is that true? If so, how would I go about it and where is the tumbler release button I've heard others mention? If it is possible to do this, how would I make sure it's keyed the same as my door locks? Do I need to replace the ignition lock also and if so, how do I go about it? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Answerthe release button for the ignitiopn lock cylinder is at the bottom of the lock housing, remove the plastic cover around the steering wheel and locate the small hole on the bottom, put the key to the "ACC" position and push the release pin with a small metal rod then pull on the key to release the lock cylinder. The new cylinder comes with a key but that key will not work in the other locks on the car, you can jave two different keys or you can have the new lock cylinder keyed to fit the old key, a locksmith or possibly the toyota dealer can do this for you.