Toyota Repair: Radio/Nav Out, fuse block, fuse panel

QUESTION: Hi,  My radio/nav unit on my 2006 Sienna Limited is completely out.   Where are the fuses for this?   I looked in the engine compartment fuse box but did not see a label for this.  I want to check the fuses before I take it in to the dealership.

ANSWER: There are four fuses to check, two of them are under the hood in the fuse panel, open it and locate these fuses ny the diagram in the cover, 30A RAD3 and 20A RAD1, the other two are inside in the fuse block under the cover on the lower left of the dash, they are 7.5A RAD2 and the 10A gauge fuse.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I heard you can send the unit in for repair vs. replacement.  Is that true?

Yes it is, contact the toyota dealer to get an exchange unit from the manufacturer directly, the turn around time may be a week or two, they only deal with exchange and usually don't repair your original unit, there is a flat exchange fee so contact the dealer and have the nav unit number on hand, the number is located on the faceplate of the radio/nav unit. You can either remove it yourself or have them do the whole job.