Toyota Repair: 88 toyota knock, rod bearings, toyota 4x4
QuestionI bought a 88 toyota 4x4 with a 22re in it. It was knocking when I bought it and was told it was possibly the timing chain. I put it in the shop and had a new timing set put on, and guess what that wasn't the problem. Now after that 200.00 I was told it was a rod bearing,so I took it to a old toyota guy who said he could polish the crank and put new bearings and would work. After getting in there the rod bearings where good, but the mains where shot,so he polished the best he could. He installed new bearings and put it back together. Now after that 250.00 it is still knocking. What do I do now? rebuild,find a used one or get a rebuilt one? I am about to have more money in it than what its worth. Thanks
AnswerI would advise trying to find a used engine at a salvage yard, even though it may be hard to locate one of this year, the only other options would be to buy a rebuilt one fron an independent rebuilder. Yes, it's going to cost more than the truck is worth, this is why they sold it.