Toyota Repair: 1991 4runner will not crank or start, light dims, ohm resistance
QuestionI have 1991 4runner. It will not crank or start. Replaced with new battery, new starter and fuses. When I turn the key, all the lights light on the dash. I do notice that when I try and crank the engine over, the clock light dims but it does not crank over.
AnswerYou will need a voltmeter to do the following tests: Check the battery voltage across the battery terminals, there should be at least 11.8 volts, next, with the key on check the voltage from the large white wire connected to the alternator, should have the same as battery voltage,switch the meter to OHM and check the negative battery terminal to body ground, there should be less than 1 ohm resistance or no resistance, let me know the results.