Toyota Repair: 02 camry brakes sticking(both at same time), 123xxx, autozone
Questionhello. I dont know about this but it is very weird. Both my front brakes are stickying together. Car is 02 camry 123xxx miles auto, with recent ceramic pads brake job done(pads are still thick). So this is the situation, i start car in the morning and brake pedal is just like it suppose to be(a lil play before you feel the brakes 'activate'), and i leave for school then by the time i reach there(5 miles stop and go traffic) the brake pedal feels wierd, it gets hard as if the car is turned off and VERY sensitive. I can feel the heat coming from the wheels after i stop, and the heat is more than normal(sometimes i smell the brakes). So i figured that i have to take the car to a mechanic. The mechanic takes off both frnt wheels and looks around, finally he could not figure out what is the problem. He finally calls someone and after talking sometime on fone he says to me that it is the proportioning i dont think that is the problem, why cuz when i call autozone,advance auto,&napa they say that it should not go i dont know what is going on and would like get it fixed asap. I am a student and cant be without a car. And also looks like the more i drive the more the brakes stick(cuz i have to use brakes more often). Help me.
AnswerIt sounds to me like this problem wasn't there until the front pads were replaced, maybe the wrong pads were installedm I don;t know but I would advise you to go to the toyota dealer if possible and get the factory brake pads with the shim kit and have them installed.