Toyota Repair: Car died, octane gas, warranty period

Hello Mr. Ritter.
Yesterday while driving my '05 Corolla on the highway, it died. Coasted off highway to a gas station. Car then started ran for a couple seconds and dies again. Got it to start and was able to pull up to pump. Added higher octane gas, since I was at 1/4, thinking I had gotten bad gas. Had to push car away from pump. Then got it to run for a min tops. Tried to pull a code, and it could not link. checked all fuses, they were fine. Could it be just the injectors or would it be the fuel pump? or is it more serious?

Thank you!

There is a known problem with the corolla control units(ECM)which causes atalling, no start conditions and shifting problems, in some cases there is no communication with the ECM. Have it towed to the toyota dealer, the warranty period for this is 8yrs/80,000 miles.