Toyota Repair: 2001 camry, air fuel ratio, negative battery

QUESTION: My son has error code PL35 - air fuel heater sensor. he can't pass sticker inspection. he has no job  i am trying to help. What acan he do so his car will pass inspection?

ANSWER: PL 35 is not a valid trouble code, please recheck the code number, it should be P0 followed by a three or four digit number. Can you have the code reread, most autoparts chain stores like autozone will do this at no charge.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I made a mistake. My son said it is a P1135 code for air fuel heater sensor.

The air/fuel ratio sensor is located in on the exhaust manifold, on the 4 cylinder engine it's located in the manifold near the radiator, it has a wire with an electrical connector on it. If it's a V-6 engine it's located on the exhaust manifold hear the firewall and a little harder to grt to, it also requires a special socket to remove it. The sensor should be replaced in either case but you can cheat a little, just before going to have it tested again disconnect the negative battery terminal for about ten seconds, it normally takes a while for the light to come back on you might make it through, good luck.