Toyota Repair: 93 toyota pickup, jumper wire, vacuum hose
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 93 toyota pickup 4cyl 5spd. It will not crank at all when its cool outside (90F or less), however, if its sits in direct sunlight it will eventually crank. Its turning over, but acts like its not getting fire. Ive done a complete wires plugs dist cap oil change air and oil filters replaced. Any help would be much appreciated. It did sit for a couple of months without being started.
ANSWER: Check to see if there is spark at the plugs first, remove one of the plug wires and stick a screwdriver in the end and then hold it away about 1/4 inch from any ground, let me know if there is spark.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: All plugs are sparking.
AnswerTry spraying starting fluid into the intake system directly through a vacuum hose, does it try to start and run then or do nothing? If it tries to run or start up for a short time then there is a loss of fuel pressure, place a jumper wire in the diagnostic connector under the hood between the teminals fp and B+ this activates the fuel pump directly.