Toyota Repair: carb / choke issue, 22r carburetor, toyota 4x4
Questionhi Ted i have a 1985 Toyota 4x4 with the 22r carburetor motor..the issue is when cold it runs very rough and smokes black until it is driven awhile then smooths out..i noticed three wires going to the choke..when cold and i unplug the wires it runs much smoother and no smoke..running i plug it back in then runs rough again and smokes..i also have a 87 Toyota 4x4 with the same motor when i tried the wires on the good running 87 toy it dies right away and won't start until choke wires plugged in..does this indicate i have a bad choke sensor or is the carburetor it self toast on my 85 toy ? thanks..Bob
AnswerI would recommend replacing the carburetor to solve this problem, most parts are not available for them anymore nd trying to repair it in most cases is not sucessful. Those wires are for the choke heater elements and I think one of them goes to the electric idle solenoid, when the engine is cold the choke plate should be almost closed all the way causing the engine to run richer and faster to provide fast idle, the current to the heater element then starts to warm up and the choke should open and return to normal idle, that's how it's supposed to work. The problem is that it runs way too rich when cold but seems to run normal when warmed up. The next time before starting it cold remove the air cleaner top and start the engine while the black smoke is coming out etc. use a screwdriver and force the throttle plate open and see if the smoke clears up and it runs somewhat normal.