Toyota Repair: Vibrating Camry when stopped and in gear, toyota camry, gas mileage

QUESTION: Toyota Camry 2008, Auto, 4 cylinder 22,000 miles.  When this vehicle is stopped and in gear, it vibrates excessively.  It vibrates so much that it feels like it is about to stall out but never does.  Dealer say they cannot re produce the problem.  Second dealers acknowledged the problem and told me to change gas stations as this may be the problem.  Average gas mileage is 24 on every fill-up
Other than that, the car is great.  Motor mounts have been checked and one replaced.  I now drive a vibrator not a Camry.  Can you please help?

ANSWER: Have you owned the car since new and if so has it done this since day one? If not when did this start? Has it been involved in an accident?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I bought the car as a demonstrator from dealer with 8k on odomoeter.  The reason I bought the car was because it was so quiet.  No noise either low speed or high speed.  No vibration. Car has not been in any accident since I purchased it.  It does not show any tell tale body work anywhere on car or inside the engine bay or trunk.  It started approximately in December,  2008.  If you place the car in neutral, the vibration gets better.  If you place the car in park, it also gets better.  It also seems to be getting worse even though I have changed gas stations.  Went to Mobil as directed by dealer for two tanks.  No difference.  I am now going to BP and I am half way through the tank and no appreciable difference.  The car always starts up very quickly and doesn't seem to miss a beat while underway.  Gas mileage is very consistent.  Hope this additional information helps.

ANSWER: When it's in gear and vibrating look at the tachometer and tell me what the rpm reading is.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: After achieving normal operating temperature, when it vibrates, the tachometer reads 700 RPM while in drive.  Placing the car in neutral lowers the RPM by 50 RMP but it then returns quickly to 700 RPM.  Placing the car in Park does the same.  It vibrates with or without the AC engaged.  However, in Florida, I use the AC almost all of the time.  Interesting, after receiving your e-mail, I went to the garage and started the car.  Results:  COLD START- 1000 RPM,  Put in gear 800 RPM.  Temperature is rising and RPM fall to 750.  Place car in gear, 600 RPM and vibrating.  Turn on AC, it returns to 600 momentarily. Approaching operating temperature, now 700 RPM'S.   Full operating temperature achieved , Tach reads 700 and it is vibrating.


It sounds to me that there is some metal to metal contact between the powertrain components and the body of the car, all motr mounts should be rechecked and all exhaust components as well to make sure there is no direct contact betweeen those components.