Toyota Repair: 1990 toyota camry 5 speed, crankshaft pulley, 1990 toyota camry

QUESTION: It acts like it wants to start but it won't start. Is it something to do with fuel or distributor cap or .... I just don't know. I need your help.

ANSWER: Is it a V-6 or 4 cylinder engine? Does it attempt to start, any backfiring?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It attempts to start but won't. No backfiring. Its a 4cylinder engine

Check the timing belt to see if it slipped or broke, remove the distributor cap and see if the rotor turns when cranking the engine over, mark the distributor housing where the #1 spark plug wire contact is is the cap, remove the #1 spark plug and rotate the engine until the #1 piston is all the way up and the crankshaft pulley notch is at the zero mark on the plastic housing, the distributor rotor should point directly to the mark on the distributor housing,while the cap is off check the coil, remove the rotor and the coil cover, check the coil for any cracks or burned areas and replace the coil if that's the case.