Toyota Repair: 1999 Camry LE 2.2L 4CYL, crankshaft pulley, zero compression

I have 99 camry with a 2.2L in it.  I recently broke the trimming belt on it and installed another one.  Car will not start and I have zero compression on all cylinders.  Just wondering it I could have bent valves in head.  I was driving at 55 MPH when belt broke.  I am 100 percent sure that the timing marks are on the money.  Any suggestions would be helpful.   Thankyou in advance for ur time

This engine can't bent valves even if the timing belt breaks, recheck the timing again, I think the timing is 180 degrees off, take the #1 spark plug out and rotate the engine to the zero degree mark on the crankshaft pulley, with a flashlight check into the #1 spark plug hole to see if the piston is all the way up with the camshaft sprocket lined up with the mark on the cylinder head, if the piston is in the down position loosen the timing belt and rotate the engine until the piston is up at TDC, this will time the crankshaft to the camshaft and you will have compression again to start the engine.