Toyota Repair: Timing 1990 Corolla 4afe, head gasket, cam installation
QuestionI recently changed the head gasket and carefully followed directions concerning installing the exhaust cam and intake cam (installation/timing marks). I am on time with the exhaust cam (TDC, oil pump mark and firing #1), however I am not certain of the intake. The cams have each have 1 mark on the inside that I assume are the TDC and two marks each on the outside that I assume are TDC and installation. The engine starts and runs fine; however once it begins to warm the idle jumps (approximate 1500-2000) and smoke is coming off of the intake manifold (intake stack), I can slow the engine a little by retarding the distributor. I have checked to ensure I reconnected the fuel injection correctly. Am I too fast on the intake?
AnswerThe two marks on the outside of the gears are installation marks and are not TDC, the larger dots on the rear of the gears are the TDC marks as long as both of them line up when rotated the timing is correct assuming that the gear at the font is aligned with the timing chain mark.