Toyota Repair: 1990 4runner, vacuum hoses, radiator core

Hi, I am trying to help my son with his truck.

1. The cable that connects the choke to the throttle (idle cable?) is broken and the truck wont idle.

2.It overheats, spitting fluid and steam from the overflow. I replace the thermostat but it didn't make any difference. I had the thersmostat out for a day and it ran fine... started overheating as soon as I replaced it.

3. Hard starts, If I take the cover off the air box and manually open the little flap it starts fine. Otherwise the flap just opens and closes when trying to start....
Any help appreciated.

It may have partially restricted radiator core the radiator should be checked and either repaired or replaced,it should not overheat with the new thermostat installed, not sure what cable this is but it should be replaced even though I don't think this is causing the idle problem,the engine should idle even if all cables to the throttle body are disconnected, check for an air leak in the intake hose from the air cleaner to the throttle body or any other vacuum hoses that may be leaking.