Toyota Repair: 1991 toyota camry Idle goe up and down, 1991 toyota camry, vacuum hoses
QuestionI have a 91 Camry w/4cyl 5-speed, after driving for a little time, if you sit and idle the idle speed will start to go up and down between 600rpm's & 1500rpm's and then when you start driving it the idle will stay up to 1500rpm's. Also we had the timing belt replaced about 6 mo. ago and since that time the car has a very bad lag between 1st & 2nd until the rpm's get up to 2000rpms
Sounds like a vacuum leak. They could have bumped a wire connection, or forgot to hook up a vacuum hose or wire connection. (you should have taken the car back to them immediately and had them find the problem they created. Does the engine light come on? Your going to check all vacuum hoses for cracks and connections, and wires.