Toyota Repair: idle probleme, intake hoses, adjustment screw

hi, I have a 1990 toyota pickup, manual, 22re, 4x4. I' ve been having and idling probleme. first, when my truck is cold, its starts good but the chock dozen`t come on anymore but, as the engine gets warmer, my truck dozen`t idle anymore. Its so bad that I have to keep my foot on the gaz when im at a stop or a red light because it will die. Plus when my engine is warmed up go, if i stop the truck i can`t start it back unless i start it by compression. So far I asked alot mecanics about it and some say its the air sensor, some say its the fuel pump, some say its the fuel filter, some say its the timing chain so...... and I`ve changed all the spark plugue wires including the spark plugs. I don`t have alot of money some anything would help. thanks

There is an idle adjustment screw on the throttle body, try turning it out to see if the idle speed increases when the engine is warmed up, check for leaks at the air intake hoses from the air filter to the throttle body, make sure the hoses are tight and not cracked.