Toyota Repair: toyota corolla 87 no start, toyota corolla 1987, toyota corolla
Questioncarburated toyota corolla 1987 FW no start condition.
new mechanical fuel pump .car start when gas is poured thru carburetor .Seems to be low fuel pressure .new filter .
Not sure if there is a filter in fuel tank .
AnswerHi there,
There is not a fuel filter inside the tank. The fuel pressure on a carbureted fuel system is between 18-24 psi. Since you say that your car has sufficient fuel delivery, the next thing to check is your spark. Pull one spark plug and sub sequentially replace the rubber spark plug boot on the spark plug. Then hold the spark plug you removed close to the nearest ground (metal surface) and crank the engine. If you see spark, then you're doing good.
Once you complete this process, please come back and see me.