Questionso my 2006 toyota forerunner Electronic rear hatch locking system is malfunctioning - it is difficult to open, and then once open, if i shut the hatch, it doesn't latch - it tries electronically may times - but doesnt latch on - so then i cant close it or even lock the car - if i push it in with my foot when it is parked, sometimes i can lock the car, but most often i cant - and it wont lacth on - i recently replaced the latch mechanism and it didnt fix the problem, so i took out the new latch and returned it back to the dealer - a friend said it is the handle above that opens/shuts it, not the actual latch on the hatch, that is broken - anyway, i could use a schematic of the whole electronic system because there are alot of wires back there - if i could find which one leads to the handle, maybe it just needs a new wire and i could fix it - any ideas? and do you know where i can get a detailed schematic of what is inside the back door/hatch - it would help greatly - thank you for any help or ideas!
From your description I don't know if the hook or the latch is out
of adjustment, RE-ADJUST them. If you've been slamming it hard, that will do it. If I was there we could find the problem but we don't have that luxury.
Everything must line up properly.
Was the vehicle ever in an accident?
You failed to tell me if it unlocks/locks manually with the key!
If it dosen't lock/unlock with the key then its most likely
out of adjustment.
Get a Haynes or Chilton repair manuel from a local parts store
or from a library. In the back they will have the schematics.