Toyota Repair: Starting problems 1997 Toyota Camry, toyota camry, turning the key

I have problems starting my automatic camry. When turning the key, you can hear the click under the hood, all the lights on panel light up, but nothing happens. The first time it happened, I placed in Neutral and "pushed" the car to about a 90 degrees roll, turned it to on and gave gas and it started right up and I wouldn't have problems until the next day. Now it won't start if I turn it of even after driving for awhile.This is my only car and a trip to a mechanic its impossible at this moment due to hardship. I would appreciate any input.

You need to do one of three things. First, check the battery terminal connections to make sure that they are clean and have good contact. If that doesn't work, take your battery to a local parts house. They will test it for you and tell you if it's bad. If it is not your battery, your starter motor needs to be replaced.