QuestionQUESTION: Specs: '02 Tacoma Dbl cab 4x4 V6 auto w/ 112k miles. The problem: recently while driving in normal dry conditions, the abs activated while slowing to a stop. The abs light came on and this behavior continued for about a week until I had time to look into the problem.
Pulled the codes which resulted in abs codes 32 and 44, LF sensor and decel sensor respectively.
Re-set the DTC after cleaning the sensor, examining the plugs/wiring and reluctor ring, problem continued.
Measured the resistance on the LF sensor (off the truck) and found it to be about 1K Ohms (less than the 1.8K minimum). Replaced the LF sesnor with a new OEM part.
Now the light continues to come on and off and I still get the abs 32 code, but not the abs 44 code. I have not yet experienced the abs engaging when slowing to a stop, so other than the light intermitenly coming on, the truck has driven normally. But obviously this issue is driving me insane and has continued for about two weeks now.
Have you experienced this before and what was the final diagnosis/repair? I have read just about everything I can find related to the issue, and it sounds as if it is "fairly" common, just have not found any information on a resolution??
Any suggestions or input would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance for your consideration!
ANSWER: Your'e probably going to have to replace the deceleration sensor to fix this.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Just confirm you noticed the code I continue to read is for the LF sensor which has been replaced, and the code for the decel sensor does not appear?
Have you dealt with circumstances similar to this before, and was the solution replacing the decel sensor?
Thanks again for your help!
AnswerSomehow I got the two codes mixed up, so the only problem is that your'e still getting the code 32 after replacing the sensor and cleaning the rotor. There are basically only two possibilities left, on open circuit in the wiring between the wheel speed sensor and the ABS actuator or the actuator itself, in order to not start guessing and replacing an expensive actuator I would recommend having a diagnostic scantool attached to the computer to see if the computer is getting wheel speed information from all of the sensors, if there is an erratic signal from the LF sensor then there is an open circuit which may be due to a damaged wire, if all the sensors are reading the same wheel speed then the actuator is the most likely cause of the problem.