Toyota Repair: Camry electrical system, fuse block, fuse panel
QuestionQUESTION: I have no lights, radio etc and zero noise when turning over the ignition. The battery is only 4 months old but I checked it anyway and it is fully charged. I cleaned the cables and checked the ground - all okay. What else can I check?
ANSWER: It's possible that the 100 amp alternator fuse is blown, it's located under the hood in the fuse block near the battery.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you and you are correct! The 120 amp charging system fuse was indeed blown and I have tried unsuccessfully to remove it. It appears there is a bolt holding this fuse and the anti-lock brake system fuse beside it in place. Is the fuse designed to come out of the black plastic case through the bottom? How else do I get it out?
AnswerThe fuse is bolted in on the inside of the fuse panel, the fuse box should be removed, the cover on the bottom comes off, then some electrical connectors have to be removed out of the way to get to the bolts. You could also put a small drop of solder between the break in the fuse as a "temporary" fix, the plastic cover can be removed to do this. Usually if this fuse blows there are some other ones that go as well, check the ECU fuses and the IGN, EFI etc.check them all to be sure.