Toyota Repair: 94 toyota tercel wont start, toyota tercel, starter wire
Questionthe car started in the morning and died before warming up . then wont restart . i have checked fuses manual start switch with a meter seems to be working fine also jumped it and tryed still didnt work . jumped starter and it turned over fine. checked ignition switch unplugged it jumped the hot wire in the plug to the starter wire and depressed the clutch and will turn over like that, so purchased new ignition switch put on and still wont turn over ,now i dont know what else to check . i know the igniton switch is new and the starter will turn over the engine if jumped while pushing in the clutch pedal . any thoughs or information will be greatly apprecated thanks!
Not enough info! I need to know specifically what its doing.
Is there a click? Does it turn over and not fire? Does it turn over
and fire? Does it not even click?
If it clicks tap on starter with hammer while someone has the key turned to start.
Are connections to battery tight and clean?
Is the alternator charging?